Edward John Frederick Seabrook

Software Engineer at Bloomberg LP

Who Am I?

Hi there, I am Edward Seabrook.

I am a Software Engineer at Bloomberg LP working on the Instant Messaging system, IB (Instant Bloomberg). I work on both the backend system (primarily C++03) and the front end application (JavaScript). I graduated in 2014 from the University of Southampton with a First Class degree in Computer Science. I am originally from a small town called West Malling which is about thirty miles down the A20 from Central London.

For as long as I can remember I have had a keen interest in technology and computers. I joined my school's programming club when I was eleven, and spent a large chunk of my youth hacking around on Linux and building (terrible) websites. My main interest is in Software development - both the coding and the process that surrounds it. I am particularly interesting in low level programming, with the goal of working on network protocols, operating systems and software infrastructure.

I am also curious about other disciplines - I enjoy learning about economics, business, architecture, and many other subjects. I also have unhealthy obsessions with Google Maps and "self-help" books (Malcolm Gladwell's 'Outliers' being my favourite). Live music and mountain biking are among my other favourite pastimes.

My Experience

Over the years I have managed to pick up a few bits of experience both in the IT industry and elsewhere. These are the roles that I feel are most relevant:

  • Financial Software Developmer

    Bloomberg LP, City of London
    September 2014 - Present

    I work on the Instant Messaging system in C++ and JavaScript.

  • Financial Software Development Intern

    Bloomberg LP, City of London
    July 2013 - September 2013 (3 months)

    Using Apache Lucene/Solr along with a variety of internal tools I created a system to enables users to search very large log files. Most of my development was in C++ and JavaScript. I ensure that my code was correct by writing unit tests using Google test.

  • Technology Intern

    Ocado, Hatfield
    July 2012 - September 2012 (3 months)

    I worked on an order tracking system using Google App Engine with GWT combined with webservices that I wrote using JAX-RS. I learned a lot about Java Enterprise software and working in an agile environment.

  • Web Developer

    Buckle Consulting, Southampton
    May 2011 - October 2011 (6 months)

    I worked for a few months over the summer developing a PHP driven website. I gained a lot of experience writing production code, and dealing with customers.

  • Research and Development Placement

    British Telecom, Ipswich
    July 2009 - July 2009 (1 week)

    I conducted a short project to see whether thin clients are a viable substitute for full desktop PCs in the modern home.

Some Examples

First of all, check out my GitHub. On top of that, here is a small selection of the work that I have done.

Fractal Viewer
Fractal Viewer

A Java Swing application I produced for my advanced programming coursework in the my first year.

Southampton Transport Map

A group coursework I worked on to show realtime transport data for Southampton. Frontend in JavaScript, backend in Python. Source coming soon.

Mars Scene
Mars Scene

An OpenGL application I produced for my computer graphics module. Click here for Source!

  • Rotation Ninjas - An educational game that I created for my A-Level Coursework.
  • Malloc - My own version of the Unix function Malloc() using the Best Fit algorithm.
  • Runway Redeclaration - An application written as a group that calculates new parameters for a runway in the event of a collision.
  • Compilers - An ANTLR compiler (cross compiler to Java) for a languages similar Pascal.
  • Unix - Bash and AWK scripts written for my System Administration course.
  • Perceptrons - A report about the use of neural networks for predicting the secondary structure of proteins.
  • Scheme - A collection of small scheme applications written for my functional programing coursework.
  • We Love Your Songs - A PHP and MySQL website that I worked on while at Buckle Consulting.

Contact Me

There are loads of ways to get in touch with me!

Social Networking

I have profiles on pretty much all the social networks that I know about, feel free to check out my profiles:


As I get older I seem to get and send more and more emails, so feel free to email me, I try to reply to all my emails promptly.
My main personal email address is edderick at live.co.uk